Feeding the soul. For much time I was perguntano which I would be myself the paper most real of music in the generality? E for a good time I was without an accurate reply, until one day, started to perceive things my return and vi that music is the food of the soul. Always where to ouver a personality, havera a musical style for brings, something that feeds that personality example: what he is that is, a youngster with rasta, jamaicanas colors? or same, what he is what is, a youngster of black color long hair, tatuado and a boot cuturno? or same one of hat and boots, with jeans and a shirt. They turn all know the answers, the people friction its based personality in what they feed its soul, the more it will be fed more the personality is easy of if to perceive, and what feeds the soul of these people is the music that they houvem, a person who live hearing romantic musics, never goes rotinamente to be given to many parties, as what it lives hearing house, does not go to be in house, sentadinho to the side of sound, taking one chicara of tea! Concluding as well as its body it is what you eat… its soul you are what it eats….
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